Learn how to control and steer a Bell Boat, and become qualified to take groups. 
A Bell Boat is a twin hull, very large and stable open canoe. It can have up to 12 children or 8 adults all working as a team to paddle it. Bell Boating is a fun way to introduce people to paddle sport. 
A Bell Boat Helm course covers: 
Philosophy behind Bell Boating 
Safety Equipment and its use 
Awareness of the paddling environment 
Procedures around locks 
Group Control 
Steering and manoevring the boat 
Paddle Technique 
Transporting a Bell Boat 
The course can be ran either as a two day course, or for experienced paddle sport leaders or coaches you can do a one day assessment. 
We generally do not schedule these as open courses, but if you are interested in doing the course please contact us for more information. 
Bell Boat Helm
Bell Boat Helm