This course is designed to prepare candidates to become a Paddle Sport Instructor. The course covers everything safety related, that you need to know to look after a group on very sheltered water. 
To do the course the candidate must have basic boat handling skills – this must not be your first time in a boat! However you do not need to hold any awards, just feel happy in a Canoe, Kayak or SUP. Because this is a pre-requisite for the Paddle Sport Instructor you will need a preferred craft that you intend to use, which is what you will predominantly use on this course. However you may need to use other crafts for the purposes of practicing rescues. 
The course is split into these modules: 
Clothing and Equipment 
Safety frameworks 
Contact and Towing rescues 
Deep water rescues 
Reflection and development 
There will be a variety of rescues to learn and practice, which will mean being in the river throughout the day, you will need to make sure you have adequate clothing to keep warm through this. 
There is no minimum age to this course, but we would recommend candidates being at least 14 years old. 
Paddle Sport Safety & Rescue
Paddle Sport Safety & Rescue